Tuesday, September 20, 2011

my 2D animation

This is Hello Kitty Numa Numa.
I did a new version of this song. Just because this is very popular online and youtube.
Then I want to try a new version. And give you all a happy time.
I love 2D animation.

my 3D animation

PIG HATES WATERMALEN is a 3D music video.
It is only 1min long. This is a funny story hope you enjoy it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

website design

This is a simple website and logo design for a real client.

2D Game Chicken Egg

This is my 2d game by AIT ABBEY. NIK assisted me to finish all those steps.
It is a very simple and easy game.
If you get eggs will get score otherwise you hit the stone you will lose score till 0. the you lose.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Looking for you --My first short film in AIT

This is short film was created in 2nd semester in AIT. And I was so excited when I receive this task but it was actually hard work in the end. But anyhow I finished all work by this semester. (filming, recording,editing,etc)